So many days, so many things to report, sorry it has taken so long to update the blog, but here we go!

On October 17th We had our hands full of many events, Alice took a week off from helping out at the Football Fields and did driving instead, Zoey attended a Hip-Hop convention in Murray at Murray High School called "Rap it Up",
Chris attended the Regional Priesthood Leadership Training at the Conference Center up town, Stone had a game at Olympus which they won in overtime, 16 to 12 (Stone ran in the winning TD)
And the Annual Girls Pref Dance (Costume Party) was about to begin, where we had 44 people to the house afterwords for a backyard, or back garage, projector movie. The days events were awesome and quite eventful and it ended up being a great weekend!
October 20th Alissa had her 1st High School A'capella Choir Concert at the High School. We had a good time, as we saw many of the neighborhood teenagers and many of Alissa's friends in the performance and they were great!
Chris & Alice "The other Ghostbusters"
Zoey "The Jedi Night"
Alissa aka "80's, Let's Get Physical"

Joceyn aka "The Nerd" missing in Action Stone aka "At Football Practice" missing in Action
October 26th the Official Gibbons Family Halloween Party, a little craziness, and a lot of good food and FUN!
October 27th, The first official SNOW STORM of the YEAR.....YUCK!!!!!!! Did I forget to tell you all I Hate the Winter!
Jocey, Zoey, Natalie, Samantha, Alissa, Tessa & Britta and of course (Michael Jackson)
October 28th "This is It!" The Michael Jackson Movie, we decided as a group of females, mostly neighborhood teenagers, but there were a few oldies like me!!! It was AWESOME!!!! Well worth staying up late and well worth full price for the 2 week playing of this movie!
More Fun October Adventures to Come, Just you Wait and See!!!!!
October 28th "This is It!" The Michael Jackson Movie, we decided as a group of females, mostly neighborhood teenagers, but there were a few oldies like me!!! It was AWESOME!!!! Well worth staying up late and well worth full price for the 2 week playing of this movie!
More Fun October Adventures to Come, Just you Wait and See!!!!!