Saturday, February 6, 2010

That chicken pox vaccine is full of crap!

So as many of you know, our children can not enter Kindergarten anywhere unless they have been vaccinated with the Chicken Pox Vaccine, ergo, the reason for my post! A little Gibbons history; 12 years ago 1998, Alissa, at 4 years old, almost 5, came home with the Chicken pox from pre-school. So for 1 month of my life I dealt with 3 toddler girls and a 6 month old boy with the chicken pox...I was not annoyed, I figured we all got them as kids, they need to have them and be done! So As the years have passed, I have had to, on numerous occasions, fill out, sign twice, an official form that states my child has had the chicken pox and has not received the Chicken Pox Vaccine (each time vaccinations have come due with each child) Fast Forward 7 years to 2005, Putting our youngest, who was not born at the earlier time, into Kindergarten I was made to give my child this vaccine so he could enter the school system... Mind you I still didn't trust it and thought it was a bunch of crap - Fast forward to present day -
Hunter has the CHICKEN POX!
What's up with that, Oh yeah could be that his Dad just got over the Shingles (Higher form of chicken Pox virus), but what about that vaccine, isn't that supposed to keep you children from getting this virus? Need I say more!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Positive? Understanding? Not to Good...

Just Something to contemplate; If going to watch your daughters play Church Basketball becomes an exchanging of words between Moms, You need to find something else to do on a Thursday Night! This is not the WNBA, ladies - and those are not real Ref's - CHILL OUT - And that's all I have to say about that! I will try better tomorrow.....

"Thump, Bump, Smash!"

My February 2010 goal was to be more positive, supportive and understanding at home, work and church - I am being Tested - I am sure of it!!!!
February 1st went off without a hitch, beautiful day, still cold but all in all Another Day in the life...
February 2nd started off as a great day, We knew The Accreditation team was coming to NSA to test us all on our school and the curriculum, I didn't talk to any of them and the day was great - The IT hits...Going to pick up Zoey from RHS Dance Co practice, she walks out with 2 large Ice bags on her head...OK I know you work up a sweat at Dance but n 40 degree weather this is ridiculous, SO we learn that Zoey was doing a Hip Hop trick with a male dancer (Probably 2 x's her size) and landed on her head, and then the male dancer in turn landed on top of her head, so that would be 2 x's the fun of landing on the wood floor. So we watched her and decided after 30 minutes that the Insta-care was needed. Got Hunter to neighbors for basketball, Stone was at a friends, Jocelyn was doing Science Fair, Alissa was at work & After 4 hours in Insta-care and Emergency she was deemed still in tact, "Severe" Concussion but no cracked skull or bleeding, Good to know - On we go!

Walking in the door to my home, I find Stone and Hunter beating the living CR_ _ out of each other in the kitchen, while Jocelyn and friend sit and watch the entertainment. Quite the site seeing Stone receive a beating from the Little Gibby, off we go to the upstairs to get the stories. So trying to stay true to my goal for February to be more positive and understanding, I gave the boys an assignment to write a paper as to how they could become a better brother. (HE HE, I love being the mom sometimes.......) Let me tell you how opposite my boys are, Stone wrote about how he should not do certain wrestling techniques on his brother and really likes having him around , Where as Hunter was not so nice, let's leave it at that....

The night continues: I am on 24 hour watch of Zoey, to make sure nothing changes in her pain or siutation, When a knock comes to the door and it is our good friend who had just been by the house to drop off a church item and realized that her car had popped out of gear and ran into our garage door. Please believe me when I say, I was not mad at all, these things happen, but I started Laughing and I couldn't stop... especially when I see the taco shaped panels on the garage. I am not kidding, it seemed to be a constant string of unlucky events - So the laughing continued, the door was reshaped (mostly) Chris came home, I picked the girls up from dance and I just laughed at the crazy day's events until I fell asleep...We'll try again tomorrow!