Saturday, June 27, 2009

Year End Piano Recital!

So we headed to the Piano Gallery in South Jordan for our annual year end piano Recital. Mind you, normally we have all 5 in piano, with the economy and the childrens crazy schedules we left Jocelyn and Alissa in lessons. We know this would be Alissa's final year with Janine (Our amazing Piano teacher) so we wanted her to finish with a bang. Jocelyn loves to play and it shows in her practicing and her determination to find new pieces and learn them on her own. For the time being the others have put their piano careers on hold, however you will find all of them practicing and keeping up on their musical talent.
So this year Jocelyn played the Hokie Pokie - to her dismay - it wasn't long enough for her and she felt it was too easy, but she showed her personality when announcing her song and playing giving the whole audience a bit of the Jocey personality, making silly faces while she played perfectly!
Alissa had the final piece of the evening and played a 10 page - 7 1/2 minute piece by Jon Schmidt. We were very impressed and proud of her final performance in Piano lessons. It has been 8 years, thousands of dollars and well worth every penny!