Labor day fun at the Gibbons home, had to be a little forced, Seeing as Alissa was not feeling well, Jocey had Drill practice and was grounded from friends, Zoey just wanted to hang with her special friend, The boys wanted to play with friends - However almost everyone was out of town, We had a little "FFF" Forced Family Fun! A Gibbons Guy tradition is to go golfing at WillowCreek Country Club on Labor day morning before the Pro-Am begins, and then the families meet up at the pool for swimming and lunch, So that what we did. The Kids were bummed cause all weekend it was 90 degrees and today the high was supposed to be 71 degrees. Never the less we went, it was warm, we had great food, and a little forced family fun in the sun! When we got home, Hunter has been dieing to roast his Ginormous Marshmellows, So out comes the fire pit, Mom gets a bonfire going and the Roasting begins along with the silliness we call FHE! Enjoy!
Scorpio Ruling Planet
8 months ago
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